
and there was nothing.
nothing left in the end.


no preferences
nothing particular.
the place people come to for help.
and that's about it.


De-Coder's Cafe a.k.a.Yap


August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 February 2011 April 2011 September 2011 November 2011


designer: frozen.d}
resources: x

(Monday, December 31, 2007/10:57 AM)

and so we end this year with a beautiful morning.

i sent some deserving people my message for this year.
not the the rest are undeserving but.
oh well. i'll give you a different message since you take the effort to come here.

personality is a hard thing to change.
once you are able to act out your personality most of the time it will stay like that.
along with all the habits you possess.
and we know that habits are hard to lose/change.
same with personality.

yesterday my parents brought me to year end talk by the same monk.
i was sitting outside the hall on a chair and listening.
his style is the same. he tells some stories and everyone laughs.
and there was not 1 hall there were 4.
and if i was sitting outside. you know what that would mean.

so after it was over. i wanted to ask a question.
"you're quite good at making people laugh. you should be a stand-up comedian
so why a monk. you try to share the word but talk after talk i come i find the same people
and they don't change at all.
so why?"
he explained why he was talking yesterday.

but i don't think anyone who went there will remember now.
even after 1/2 hour i ask my family and they're all blank.
so much for understanding more than me.
people's minds are filled more with the need to eat.

i guess this is what the world has become.
but today is today.
what we do cannot be reversed.
there is only a small hope that maybe.
maybe some people will change.

and it's really small.
and the people who do this have no one to lean on.
besides being provided food, travel and accommodation.
you'd think the only person they can ask for help. and very little. is an elder of more experience.

yet all these people come.
come to them for blessing. for "words of wisdom.
they just come. free of charge. to what?
pour all their selfish sorrow away by listening to his so-called jokes.
seriously i think 3 out of the 4 halls don't actually belong there.

they don't.
like go pay for your own psychological help.
go pay for your own stand-up comedian.
don't use a monk as entertainment.
get a life.

so my mother says maybe he's doing this for the popularity.
if he was then i pity him.
because he has to make a thousand/ a few thousand people all laugh.
just so that he can be popular.
after all that training and shaving your head and whatnot.

isn't it more practical to be a stand-up comedian?
but no. if you wear a robe then more people will come to you?
that appears to be the case. but logically speaking.
you don't get money. you don't get to do alot of things.
therefore i guess he cannot be doing this for himself.
what kind of freak wants attention from thousands of people for no money at that kind of age?

i don't think an adult will be so mentally degraded.
even i can think better than that. even you can.
and i suppose therefore he can do better than me as well.
so there you go it's not possible.

before i went out i was reading something about lateral thinking.
the question went like this:
In 2 hours 2 men dig a hole 5 feet deep. How deep a hole can 10 men dig in 2 hours?

Of course 25 feet is the answer. but no. there are many other factors you didn't consider.

1) 10 men need a wider space so they will dig the hole wider as well. so it's shallower.
2) some of the men might be stronger and therefore dig harder. other men might be weaker and dig slower.
3) water could fill up the hole and since it's wider now the digging will be unable to continue pretty quickly.
4) it is possible that with more people working on a project, each person may become less efficient due to increased opportunity for distraction, the assumption he can slack off, more people to talk to, etc.
5) so on and so forth.

so what i just did up there was lateral thinking.
i hope i didn't make your new year too boring but.

thank you if you bothered to read up to here.
hopefully you too can move forward next year.

because we cannot go back to what has been done.
only move forward.


and have a great year ahead.

(Saturday, December 29, 2007/10:47 AM)

so. anyway.
just finished ef episode 12.

it owns i am legend a thousand times over.
rl>scifi or any fantasy style genre
maybe that's why i am going to give up on the games.

it's really nice to see.
how they build up the climax.
so many parts you still cannot cry because you're holding back tears for them.

then at the last part.
everything comes out by itself.
and the shackles are broken.

irony in the man coming out of the train.
everything is linked together and yet.
somehow scattered all over.

oh well.
done with the emo.
you can't get emo over i am legend.

you can't.


wrap your dreams in the memories you won't forget.


oh and i thought i might just put this in for kicks. xD

だんご大家族 || Dango Daikazoku || A Big Dango Family

だんご だんご だんご だんご だんご 大家族
だんご だんご だんご だんご だんご 大家族

やんちゃな焼きだんご やさしいあんだんご
すこし夢見がちな 月見だんご
おすましごまだんご 四つ子串だんご
みんなみんなあわせて 100人家族


なかよしだんご 手をつなぎ 大きなまるい輪になるよ
町をつくり だんご星の上 みんなで笑いあうよ
うさぎもそらで手をふってみてる でっかいおつきさま
うれしいこと 悲しいことも 全部まるめて

なかよしだんご 手をつなぎ 大きなまるい輪になるよ
町をつくり だんご星の上 みんなで笑いあうよ
うさぎもそらで手をふってみてる でっかいおつきさま
うれしいこと 悲しいことも 全部まるめて

だんご だんご だんご だんご だんご 大家族
だんご だんご だんご だんご だんご 大家族

だんご だんご だんご だんご だんご 大家族
だんご だんご だんご だんご だんご 大家族

Dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku
Dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku

Yancha na yaki-dango yasashii an-dango
Sukoshi yumemigachi na tsukimi-dango
Osumashi goma-dango yotsugo kushi dango
Minna minna awasete hyakunin kazoku

Aka-chan dango wa itsumo shiawase no naka de
Toshiyori dango wa me o hosometeru

Nakayoshi dango te o tsunagi ooki na marui wa ni naru yo
Machi o tsukuri dango hoshi no ue minna de waraiau yo
Usagi mo sora de te o futte miteru dekkai o-tsuki-sama
Ureshii koto kanashii koto mo zenbu marumete

Nakayoshi dango te o tsunagi ooki na marui wa ni naru yo
Machi o tsukuri dango hoshi no ue minna de waraiau yo
Usagi mo sora de te o futte miteru dekkai o-tsuki-sama
Ureshii koto kanashii koto mo zenbu marumete

Dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku
Dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku

Dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku
Dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku

Dango, dango, dango, dango, a big dango family
Dango, dango, dango, dango, a big dango family

The naughty fried dango, the kind red bean dango
The Mid-Autumn Festival dango that tends to dream a little
The prim sesame dango, the four dango on a skewer
Everyone, everyone comes together and it’s a family of 100s

The baby dango is always within happiness
The aged dango has its eyes narrowed

The chummy dango hold their hands together and make a big, round ring
They build a town on the dango planet and everyone laughs together
The rabbit is trying to wave in the sky; the huge moon
Is rounding up everything, happy things and sad things, too

The chummy dango hold their hands together and make a big, round ring
They build a town on the dango planet and everyone laughs together
The rabbit is trying to wave in the sky; the huge moon
Is rounding up everything, happy things and sad things, too

Dango, dango, dango, dango, a big dango family
Dango, dango, dango, dango, a big dango family

Dango, dango, dango, dango, a big dango family
Dango, dango, dango, dango, a big dango family

all good things must come to an end.


(Friday, December 28, 2007/11:45 PM)

emo post
whatever. =.=

and here i was thinking i wouldn't be watching it.
overall it's okay.
since i guess i don't watch alot of stuff.

oh well.
and i'm supposed to talk about all this emo stuff after watching this.


and stop the dango spam.
only i can do it.

still waiting.

(/12:55 PM)





back to life.

(Thursday, December 27, 2007/9:53 AM)

they bite at the same place.
i guess it was a pretty okay ending.

except the black blood.
black blood is ridiculous.
you don't even know what is going on.

oh well.
back to life.
nice boat.

still yearning for the last memory.
the new season is a time for beginning.

(Wednesday, December 26, 2007/3:37 PM)

today i rewatched everything in h264.

lunch was vermicelli. it was a rare 10 points.
you wish.
at 3.30 i finished everything.
and now i'm back.

back to nothing.

for this is filled with memories she has to forget.

(Monday, December 24, 2007/8:20 PM)!
what a nice way to start the holiday. a song ^^
but i wont put it up yet.

thankyou melvin.
happy christmas and merry new year everyone.

relaxing days soon over.
i wonder what next will be like.

can't fool around anymore.
tis the season we all mature.

but for now.


all i want for christmas is that memory that i'll never forget.

(Sunday, December 23, 2007/2:28 PM)

thankyou. ef.











Sora no Yume

I dreamed alone.

I looked up at the sky on some other day,
I recall the pain that I lost.

My white wings catch the wind,
I lock up my wavering memories.

I reach to the edge,
Please let me go to the yonder,
To the tomorrow when your smile returns to you.

Dreams disappeared and I’m alone,
The words that I heard connect time

I’m guided by the red rain,
For the sake of drawing the continuation of my journey.

My white wings catch the wind,
I overcome the wall of distant memories.

I reach to the edge,
Please let me go to the yonder,
I hold your hand with mine and advance to tomorrow.

Forever. Together...

(/12:15 PM)

that's 1 number too high. try again.

i was bored and wondering if someone from japan watched ep 12 and put it up on the wiki.
so i went to check.

true enough.
i saw the first 3 or 4 words.
renji. diary. pages.

oh my.
better stop.

at least i don't know everything yet.
but who knows.
3 words could change the perspective of everything.

too late to change what's been done.
oh well. with those 3 words in mind.
ill be thinking.



now i have a memory i want to forget.
as well as don't want to forget.

(Saturday, December 22, 2007/4:27 PM)

geek term for the brightest shade a hue can get to.

i've been listening to the music.
more music.
more music.

oh well.
2, 3 days to go.

can't wait for it.
somehow i know that.
it'll be a happy ending.
because the prince always saves the princess.

yet it will be a sad one.
in a way we don't know.
but since when did i understand this.

to know is not to understand.


do you have a memory you want to forget?

(/10:33 AM)

at night i took awhile to get to sleep.

i wonder why this happens.
why can people create such.
real things.

it's in a form that.
makes you want to cry.
but the tears won't come out.

because you've been take too aback by it.
in this never-ever world.
where the ending will mean alot.

and that is today.


don't you have a memory that you want to forget?

(Friday, December 21, 2007/10:36 AM)

back to anime.


(Wednesday, December 19, 2007/5:08 PM)

when i first took it in my hands.
and we parted from that short meeting.

i thought oh its a box.
hm. knife.
hm. voodoo doll kit.
mm. chocolates...

but i felt around the golden paper.
oh. a book.
self-help? hmm.
slowly i began to contemplate the chance of that appearing when i opened the package.

so when i got home.
i read the note first.
i was quite happy to be useful to someone for once.
and the memories went rushing through.

after that i opened the wrapping slowly.
and true enough there it was.
with another little note inside.
maybe too early to read but i read it anyway.

don't think it's an offense to me.
i feel that i should learn about everything before i make my choice.
so your hope may not be in vain.

so here is my thanks.
for 6 months too. of trusting in me.
letting me look after you. giving me challenges.
after receiving this my gift to you looks like nothing.

as for drifting apart.
i do not believe it will be so.
at least not so fast it won't happen yet.
but i hope it will never happen. at least greatly.

back then i asked you where was the million dollars.
you said open and find out.
and true enough you have come out with something far more worth.
so off you go.

and thankyou.
thankyou very much.

(Tuesday, December 18, 2007/9:01 PM)

nothing to say.
really. lol.

thanks again.
for today.
i'll do my best next year!

(Monday, December 17, 2007/9:39 PM)


mm...rf online.



lol. sigh.
fine fine.


みつめていたい みつめていてね
揺れる 恋する 天気図を

一緒にいこう 憧れの場所

友情 それ以上
もっと わかりあいたい
そっと 「運命さ」
なんて 言われたら

きっと 舞いあがって
飛んで 虹に エアリィ
泣いちゃうかもね フェアリィ
もっと わかりあいたい!

はぁ‥ 空がきれいだわ
わたし 恋を してしまった

ああ‥ 瞬間風速
つむじ風の ときめきに さらわれて

雲をとばす 嵐のあと
透きとおる 光の粒
まじりけのない 想い 残るの


夢がやぶれて 泡になっても

友情 それ以上
もっと わかりあいたい
そっと 「運命さ」
なんて 言われたら

ぽっと 染まる ガーリィ
ラララ‥lovely weather
永遠 きみはシャイで
もっと わかりあいたい!

ふぅ‥ きみのしあわせは
なにかしらって かんがえるの

ああ‥ ちからになれたら
上機嫌よ 胸の花 咲き誇る

恋の海が 浄化されて 愛になる
つよくなれる それが涙の粒になっても

跳ねる こころの空模様

一緒にいこう 憧れの場所

ひとりのときは 寂しかったの

ひとりもいまは 寂しくないの

ひとりのときも きみのすべてを
胸に抱きしめ 歩いてる

一緒にいこう 憧れの場所


未来がなにも わからなくても

友情 それ以上
もっと わかりあいたい
そっと 「運命さ」
なんて 言われたら

ぽっと 染まる ガーリィ
飛んで 虹に エアリィ
ラララ‥lovely weather
泣いちゃうかもね フェアリィ

bye now =o lol

(Saturday, December 15, 2007/6:16 PM)

suddenly a voice beams through the eluded boy's ears.
"don't give in."
"look at everyone around you. so much more capable."
"you have the privilege yet you abuse it."
"what are you doing?"
"wake up."

which is what i shall be doing.
pressing the reset button.

(/2:55 PM)

once again
i have nothing to do.
hm. maybe i should go read someone's blog.
from bottom to top.

[40mins later]
nothing to do again i guess.
maybe the rest of the day should be reading through blogs.

[5 mins later]
alright. so maybe i should pick the right blogs.
not like melvin's. sheesh. lol.
oh well laugh is better than.
QQ for 10 months.
which is really sad.
i mean it. not pathetic.
sad. T.T

[1 hour later]
wow. i'm so selfish.
and i haven't read finish my posts yet. =p only until may.
oh well. come into my dreams makes me reminisce.
about a time that is just a memory now.
oh well. ^^

i didn't realise that while i don't post every day.
each of my posts have been pretty long. well until now.
nowadays i just post short short.
change is something i have come to embrace.

while others can make drastic changes.
i choose to stay the same. mostly.
maybe change when i need to.
then i will adjust when i feel the need.

bleh oh well.
see you later.

invisible friend.

(Wednesday, December 12, 2007/11:37 PM)

some night thoughts before i go.

when i was a young boy. maybe.
7 or 8.
i used to ask myself why.
why am i controlling this body?
i was trying to imagine what would it be like to die.
where i would go.
whether i could still move.
or just lie there and watch myself rot.

i was scared. scared of death.
at the same time wondering again.
who are all these other people?
why is it only i can feel myself?
are they all just empty bodies appearing to be doing what is normal?
how come i am myself? why not somebody else?
those questions haunted me for quite some time.
i never came to know those answers. not even now.

now as i sit here those questions are coming back to me.
what if some day i go away? how will it feel?
will i come back reborn? will i go to heaven or hell?
what will happen to everyone else?
why am i even here? what purpose do i serve?
why are these people my family? why are these people my friends?
i don't want to go away.
but i don't even know when i will.

well of course one might think that a young boy thinking about death is stupid.
but life is a glass sculpture.
it is moulded as time goes by. yet one accidental push.
might send it towards the ground.
and all that will be left is a million shattered pieces.
that remain on the ground. waiting to be swept up sooner or later.
who is this hand sculpting me?
is it just one person? multiple?

i wonder who it could be.

As the young boy gazed up into the sky.
Seeing the stars that twinkled so bright.
"I wish I may, I wish I might,
To see life completely, in it's full light"

Little boy, and thus may your wish be granted.
You have your loved ones and you're not unwanted.
But wish you may and wish you might.
The life that you wish for is not in full sight.

For a tiny fragile life has just too much to see.
Too many things to do, so many things to meet.
Alas young boy in a way your wish can't be grated.
But do not fret, you must remain undaunted.

Look out for family now and take care of your friends.
For there is no knowing when all this will end.
Maybe after lots of decades to come.
Maybe even tomorrow your work, sadly, is done.

So treasure what you have for experience is priceless.
Your life is on its own with seasons and spices...
So run while you can, as free as you can be,
Go now little boy, there is so much to see...

As the little boy stared once again right up to the stars.
Somehow he could felt that just now they'd part.
That little boy would one day grow and learn to live,
His life as he wants to, the greatest gifts he'd give.
The mistakes he'd make, over and over again,
Trying to learn while keeping himself sane.
The little boy has grown in more ways than none.
Maybe you can guess who he is while he has fun.

In his own world.

(/4:43 PM)

my kara grp still asking me for help. ._."

hm. what to talk about today.
i'm running out of things. again.

today i tried to fix up my comp after sp3.
no use.
so now i had to revert back to lousy old xp. xD
i'll find an alternative somehow. =o

as the day draws nearer.
i think to myself.
what made this happen?
why am i sitting here today even thinking about this?

people in my life. thank you.
i shall not give reasons but you should know well enough.

nothing better to talk about. sigh.

(Tuesday, December 11, 2007/11:54 AM)

i was joking to my mom when she told me what she expected.
"if they're really my friends i don't think they will reject"
and really it turned out this way.
in a way i am very touched.

normal friends wouldn't do this.
or at least those my age, my part of society.
they're too proud to think that way.
but here i come to face the humble side of the world.

along the night i couldn't sleep.
was constantly thinking not only why but how come.
the answer i had half expected.
has made me change my views alot.

so i am glad.
very glad.
to have met you two.
because then i can learn to humble myself too.

thank you.
and sorry.
for all this trouble i have caused.
to which both of you still say "it's okay".

thank you.

(Monday, December 10, 2007/5:11 PM)

updated my profile.

hm. dunno what to do.
hm. still dunno what to do.
fine. i shall write.
haven't done it in awhile.

as i sit here and reflect on what has happened.
i remember alot of things.

first was how i actually got into this. a person.
and what that person had actually become.
it's hard to believe the story would end like this.
i count myself lucky.

second was the first group of people whom i met.
and how i gave them up temporarily to be with someone else.
in the end, like the losing team in a big game.
i go back to my home. this world. like a drunk.

third was when i went back.
i caught up with the rest eventually.
and i was having fun. alot of it.
meeting different people. talking to them.

fourth was getting to know someone personally.
we shared alot of things together.
laughed alot too.
but the time wouldn't last.

fifth was the new year.
the time went. i never saw that person again.
but now the rest of the gang.
broke apart slowly.
people not from here.
i didn't really get.
but later when i came back.
i realised. what happened.

sixth was the loner period.
guild broke. didn't know what to do.
went scrounging around.
until i found you.

seventh was joining a new one.
new community of friends. found an old one.
started progressing. finally.
slowly i grew closer to the one i looked for.

eighth was break and reforming.
for some reason or another.
but i was always with you.
as we jumped from one to another.

ninth was concentrating on a new character.
somehow you came along too.
soon enough both of us were ready.
but abrupt endings were coming soon.

tenth was meeting you.
first it was weird. i wondered how both of you connected.
in the end i realised.
but still it was a weird meeting. albeit a nice one.

eleventh was when i had to go.
for one month but.
meeting the both of you.
had made a big impact in my life already.

twelfth was when i came back.
all that emotion came rushing back.
both of you had gone so far off without me.
but welcomed me back with open arms.

thirteenth was changing and changing again.
finally you decided we go over.
but then we left her behind.
pretty sad. sigh.

fourteenth was dealing with the new people.
at first i thought they were really pushy and frustrating.
but slowly i realised i was the one holding them all back.
so i apologised. they did back.

fifteenth was slowly progressing.
i had alot of fun.
both ranting and working hard.
earning credit which i never spent.

sixteenth was realising.
that i had to move again.
told them and predicted.
a date much later than this.

seventeenth was getting the last character up.
it wasn't very long but i had a premonition.
that i didn't have alot of time left.
so i hurried.

eighteenth was a new group.
this time i led. and it was pretty sucessful.
but i realised that the fun wouldn't last.
even though we progressed really far.

nineteenth was the revelation.
that i really wouldn't make it. even to leave my 2nd character on time.
explained to everyone. bowed my head and said sorry.
they all nodded. and said it was okay.

twentieth was meeting again.
in a short span of 4, 5 days.
found that i had a problem before my birthday.
which was great. which hurt someone again.

twentieth was saying goodbye to the last group.
they all said thank you. took a picture.
two of my friends weren't there.
they chose their way out.

twenty-first was last reunion with my guild.
we downed a new boss. shared the joy.
went on but couldn't clear one last boss.
to open the door. but it was fine.

twenty-second was trying to get the first people together.
over the months we still kept contact.
but on that day. to my dismay. (hey it rhymes)
only 2 of them were there. not like the rest were at fault.

twenty-third was sending all the letters.
thanks, good luck, good bye.
add a cake with creamy icing.
perfect formula for farewell.

twenty-fourth was the emotion.
while writing these letters.
least important first. most important last.
slowly the tears came to my eyes. especially when i wrote the last two.
one who i treasured in my heart but would never see again in there.
another one who i also treasured. but followed me all the way to the end.
and there we stopped.
and i went to sleep. maybe forever.

twenty-fifth was dealing with the problem.
2 or 3 days big decisions had to be made.
in the end i decided. it had to end.
and so after i left. it did.

but what i will not remember yet.
because it's not a memory.
is that all these relationships i have formed are real.
they go out of the virtual world with me.
and all these people i have come to meet and like.
as buddies. as close friends.
people i will forever treasure in my heart.
and the two of you.

that is why this game is so beautiful.
i wasn't hooked on it for two years.
instead for two years i was making friends with everyone around.
and some have remained that close to me. i appreciate.

the money was well spent.
these things are priceless yet.
it has provided me.
with so much.

and appreciation.

it's a miracle i have come to know this.
and i am glad i have.
thank you blizzard.
i'm still angry at how the server is. but i'm gone. so thank you anyway.

not bad right? ^^
i can write alot when i want to.
oh well. till then.

trust is a fragile thing.
it is easy to break.
yet trust is as strong as steel.
it can withstand anything forever.

friends trust each other with everything.
many have trusted me with their story.
and i trust them too.
maybe sometimes too much but.
i will do so too.
unlike my mother.
when the day comes.
to meet the both of you.

(/3:04 PM)

hopefully now more people will be on my blog now that i myself am on my blog more.

oh well.
byebye barbsicle. spell correctly ff.
books are fun.
at least when there's nothing better to do.
oh well.

First I thought you didn't have time for me.
Then later I didn't give my time for you.
As we spin around in circles.
Our thoughts like melted ice.
Words like shattered glass.

The cracks always visible.

(Friday, December 07, 2007/9:41 AM)


ねえ アタシをみつけて
そして呼んで ココロで
どんなに離れたとしても きこえるから


ねえ アナタをみつけて
そして二度と 忘れず
どんなに胸が痛くても そばにいるの



アタシが アナタをみつけて
そして二度と 忘れず
どんなに胸が痛くても そばにいるの

At night, the town is quiet like the bottom of the ocean.
I continue down the road by myself.
Guided by the distant voice,
I keep searching for the soft blue light.

Hey I discovered myself within,
And my spirit calls out to me.
No matter how far away I am, I can hear it..

The silver light burns within every room
I walk around hoping for it anywhere, surely.

Hey, I found you
And so, without leaving you again.
No matter how much I hurt inside I'll always be near you.
I'll never release,
Your hand that I held...

Hey, I found you
And so, without leaving you again
No matter how much I hurt inside I'll always be near you.

why me.

(Wednesday, December 05, 2007/11:12 AM)

new day
new day.
new problems.
this is what life is about.

pushing everything to one side won't help.
but i can't do this by myself anyway.

why do i have to cover up for people.
it's just not fair.

but then again since when.
was this world fair anyway.

i'm blessed enough.
and so are you.

(Tuesday, December 04, 2007/10:19 PM)

I thought I saw a man brought to life
He was warm
He came around
And he was dignified
He showed me what it was to cry

Well you couldn't be that man I adored
You don't seem to know
Or seem to care
What your heart is for
I don't know him anymore

There's nothin' where he used to lie
My conversation has run dry
That's what's going on
Nothings right
I'm torn

I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
You're a little late
I'm already torn

I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
You're a little late
I'm already torn

So I guess the fortune tellers right
I should have seen just what was there and not some holy light
But you crawled beneath my veins
And now, I don't care
I have no luck
I don't miss it all that much
There's just so many things
That I can't touch
I'm torn

There's nothin' he used to lie
My inspiration has run dry
That's what's going on
Nothing's right
I'm torn

I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
You're a little late
I'm already torn

I guess that might say a bit about you.
And you intend for you attitude to be like this.
Well whatever it is.
I'm here to help you get to where you want.

And hopefully one day you can sing this song sincerely.
And I'll be there to hear you out.

(/9:15 PM)

in a way.
i have solved the problem.
in a way.
i have created a far more serious one.

why do people come to me?
to solve their problems.
and the number one being.
what i've just created.

ironic isn't it.
how you can't even face a problem.
you help multiple people solve.

sad isn't it.
how the same situation, though different.
keeps recurring in front of me.

it's a lovely new year.
but a bad year all the same.

i broke down last year.
and today i might again.

thanks for the well-wishes everyone. (=

(/8:54 AM)

well. finally.
looks like i start this year with a new gift.
or a new problem.
i don't know what to do.

but i hope.
that everything will end out.
fine in the end.

thanks everyone for your well wishes.
i wished something for all of you as well. ^^

but every year just isn't the same.
now i wonder what would happen if my life went otherwise.

(Saturday, December 01, 2007/10:36 AM)

alright so.
it's december.
and i have to start studying.
oh well.

countdown on 3.
and 1 year.
to 3 things respectively.

and fine.
you're right.

i want to play more poker.